Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Third Trimester Project Guidelines

Trimester Project
Morris World History 9—Third Trimester—2013

Every student in both Honors and Regular World History must do a Trimester Project third trimester.   This is a variable-point project, and also an open-option project, meaning that the more difficult or involved the project, the more points it is worth, and that any project that a student suggests that meets with approval from the teacher will be allowed.  This allows each student to decide how many points he/she wants to earn on a project, and also to chose what type of project he/she wants to do.  All projects are subject to approval by Mr. Morris, but no reasonable project will be turned down.
All projects must relate to the content being learned in the class. For example, a project about airplanes would not work unless it focused on Leonardo da Vinci’s early designs, since he lived in the Renaissance.  A project about nuclear weapons,  or China, or Chinese nuclear weapons would not work because it has nothing to do with the content being taught third trimester.
Here are some ideas, taken from projects that have been done by students in the past:
·         Write a short story about a specific time period studied in the class
·         Make a piece of art about one of the time periods, or do a Powerpoint about an artist
·         Research a composer, an instrument, or a piece of music from a specific time period studied
·         Make a medieval weapon, helmet, piece of armor, or piece of clothing
·         Research one of the above and present a Powerpoint on it.
·         Make trading cards of medieval, Renaissance, or Revolutionary characters
·         Make a movie, complete with costuming, music, titles, and scripting
·         Make a clay-mation movie
·         Make a comic book about something we learned
·         Make a scale model of a medieval manor, a castle, or something else we learn about
·         Make a chess set with medieval-style pieces, or using actual historical figures
·         Make a board game about a period we study
·         ETC…

Sign below, have a parent/guardian sign below, and return.  This states that you are both aware of the project.   Save the top portion in your composition book flap.  The signed form is worth ten points, and the form will be part of your notebook grade as well.

________________________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________

We have read the above and understand that this class requires a Trimester project, due by the end of the trimester.  

____________________________                             ______________________________
            Student                                                                                Parent/Guardian

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