Notes: Unit One

Monday, September 10, 2012
History--anything that happened in the past.
Prehistory--anything that happened before written history.  We know about prehistory from artifacts, legends and myths, and pictures.
BC--  Before Christ.  All events that happened before the birth of Christ are called BC.
AD--Latin for 'Anno Domini', meaning 'year of our Lord'.   This is the year Jesus was born.  All events that happened after the birth of Jesus are known as having happened in AD.
BCE---a new, politically-correct term for measuring time that means 'before current era'.  It does not use any religious event, but means simply 'number of years before this year'.
  • Tuesday, September 11
  • Main Idea:   We owe it to ourselves and others to do our best in the life we are given.  Any less cheats the future.
  • Epitaph:    a short saying on a gravestone that tells something about the person buried there.
  • Obituary:  a short summary of a person's life that appears in a newspaper.  It contains:
    • when, where born
    • parents, siblings
    • education
    • marriage
    • children
    • career
    • interests and contributions
    • location of funeral services and suggested gifts or memorials
  • On Tuesday, we also had a lesson on 9/11/2001.  We talked about causes of the attacks, how the attacks were planned and unfolded, and how they affected the U.S.
  • Wednesday, September 12
Notes on board were about latitude and longitude plotting, and a reminder that the obituary is due Friday.
Thursday, September 13
Notes on board dealt with how to plot latitude and longitude and how to measure map distance using a map scale.  Students were also reminded of the obituary due Friday.  Lots of class time was spent checking indivudual students for understanding of content.

Friday, September 14

Title:  Fact, Opinion and Propaganda

Main Idea:  If you are unable to distinguish fact from opinion, you let others think for you and you will be fooled often.
  • Fact--A statement that can be proven.  "Blue is a color."
  • Opinion--a statement that cannot be proven.  "Blue is the best color."
  • Propaganda--the spreading of opinions and beliefs to sway or brainwash those who hear it.
  • Source--Where one gets one's information  (paper, TV, internet)
  • website devoted to correcting false stories and propaganda
Types of Propaganda
1. Glittering Generalities--using vague or broad statements that appeal to everybody.  "I love America so vote for me."
2. Card-Stacking--only telling facts that benefit your side of the argument
3. Plain Folks--Trying to convince others that you are just like them
4. Symbol Transfer--Show yourself with a symbol that is atractive and have it rub off on you
5. Bandwagon--peer pressure.  Be like everybody else.

Product Placement--companies pay huge sums of money to have their products placed in movies and television shows.  You see these and subliminally desire the products because you see them as glamourous.

9/11 Lesson
Four aircraft, all large commercial jets selected for having full fuel loads (bound for West Coast). 
Four hijacking teams, trained in Afghanistan by Al Queda and Osama bin Laden, at Taliban camps.
Two planes departed from Boston, one from Newark, NJ, and one from Washington Dulles.
Hijackers were trained to fly planes in the United States.
Hijackers took over planes with box cutters and threats of bombs.
Passengers called family on ground with cell phones.
Two planes hit World Trade Center towers.
One plane hit Pentagon in Washington, DC.
One plane was crashed after passengers took control from the hijackers.
Over 3,000 dead total in attacks, both in buildings and on planes.
Forensic work to identify remains took months.
Tons of debris had to be sifted.
Response by FAA and military was slow.
Pres. Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and we are still active in those nations.
We killed Osama bin Laden earlier this year.
9/11 led to increased security in the U.S. and more government supervision of the lives of citizens and visitors

Review Sheet for Test, given to students on Tuesday, September 18.  Test is Wednesday, September 19, 2012.  Students will go over review sheet on Tuesday in class and should study Tuesday evening for test.

Study Guide Test One----Morris 2012
Test One will be a short comprehensive test given on Friday, September 15.   It will cover all of the following material.
Know the following for success:
·         History
                                                         i.      History
                                                       ii.      Prehistory
                                                      iii.      B.C
                                                     iv.      A.D.
                                                       v.      B.C.E.
                                                     vi.      Century/Centuries
·         Fact and Opinion
                                                         i.      Fact
                                                       ii.      Opinion
                                                      iii.      Propaganda
                                                     iv.      Types of propaganda
                                                       v.      Ways to differentiate if something is fact or opinion
·         Geography
                                                         i.      Sphere
                                                       ii.      Hemisphere
                                                      iii.      Equator
                                                     iv.      Prime Meridian
                                                       v.      Latitude
                                                     vi.      Longitude
                                                    vii.      Key
                                                  viii.      Scale
1.       Given two points on a map, student will be able to determine the straight-line distance between them using map scale.
                                                     ix.      Compass Rose
1.       Cardinal Directions
2.       Intermediate Directions
3.       Determining direction when only N is listed
                                                       x.      Plotting Latitude and Longitude
1.       Given latitude and longitude, student will give the city located there
2.       Given a city, student will plot its latitude and longitude
·         September 11, 2011
                                                         i.      Causes
                                                       ii.      Events
                                                      iii.      Effects

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