Class Work

Latitude and Longitude/Scale  Review
Morris—Western Civ 9
Wednesday, September 12
Need a book or atlas to complete this assignment.

Review:  Four-Step Method for Finding Latitude and Longitude
1.      Is point North or South of the Equator?
2.      How far North or South in Degrees?  ___ degrees N/S
3.      Is point East or West of the Prime Meridian?
4.      How far East or West in Degrees?  ___ degrees E/W

Using the map of the world on page A2 in your atlas, write the name of the city found at the latitude and longitude given.

1.  31 N, 96 W    ____Houston, Texas_____________________________
2.  33 S, 71 W  ____________________________________
3.  56 N, 39 E   ____________________________________
4.  39 S, 143 E ____________________________________
5.  33 S, 19 E  ________________________________________

Using the map on page A2, give the latitude and longitude of each city.

  1. Los Angeles, California  _____________________
  2. Lima, Peru ______________________________
  3. Tokyo, Japan ____________________________
  4. Washington, D.C. ________________________
  5. Perth, Australia ________________________
  6. Mexico City, Mexico _____________________

Give the distance in miles between the following cities:

  1. Los Angeles and Houston.   ________________
  2. Lima, Peru and Santiago, Chile _______________
  3. Mexico City and Chicago, Illinois ______________
  4. Perth and Sydney, Australia   __________________

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