Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Course Descriptions for Third Trimester

                          Regular Classes (Periods 1-3)

Third Trimester World History 9
Mr. Rob Morris
Idaho Falls High School 2013

Basic Course Outline
Unit One—     The Middle Ages
Unit Two—     The Renaissance
Unit Three—   The Reformation
Unit Four—    The Enlightenment
Unit Five—     Emergence of Nation-States and Representative Government
Unit Six—       The French Revolution and Napoleon
Unit Seven—  The Industrial Revolution

Required Materials for this Class
  1. One composition notebook (pages are sewn in).  This notebook will be worth 100 points per month—50 for notes and 50 for journal/other.
  2. Writing utensil/loose leaf paper
  3. Colored pencils for maps/projects

Points are assessed as follows:
ü  Notes and Journal--- 100 points per month
ü  Quizzes—anywhere from ten to sixty points, depending on content
ü  Tests—60-150 points (about every three weeks)
ü  Book Homework—anywhere from 4 to 20 points
ü  Other work as assigned (group work, projects, papers, maps, etc)—varies but usually under 50 points.
ü  Trimester Final Exam—100 points
ü  Trimester Final Project—50 to 100 points


My expectations are fair and few
  • Be on time.  Tardies will be assessed
  • Be prepared.  Bring notebook, writing utensil daily. 
  • Golden Rule.  Treat your fellow classmates and teacher the way you would like to be treated.  Other than tardies, all other issues are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, with the object being to help you improve as a student and a young adult. 

Make-up Procedures
Make-up work is accepted for full credit at the rate of one day late per day of excused absence.   After that, student has one week during which to make up an assignment for partial credit. After that, it is a zero.  Tests may be retaken up to ONE WEEK after first test.  After that, there will be no re-tests.
Staple this syllabus into your notebook. It is worth ten points.  If it is loose in the notebook, it will be a zero. 

                                  Honors Classes  (Periods 4-5)

Honors World History 9
Mr. Rob Morris
Idaho Falls High School
Third Trimester 2013

In third trimester Honors World History we will be covering the High Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, Emergence of Nation-States, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.  We will explore how the western world developed into the late nineteenth century.

Honors students will be expected to master all content contained in the regular curriculum, but to demonstrate a deeper mastery through extensive discussion, tests that require more synthesis of learned material, challenging writing assignments, and a reading project during the course of the year (see Reading List on back)

Basic Course Outline
Unit One—     The Middle Ages
Unit Two—     The Renaissance
Unit Three—   The Reformation
Unit Four—    The Enlightenment
Unit Five—     Emergence of Nation-States and Representative Government
Unit Six—       The French Revolution and Napoleon
Unit Seven—  The Industrial Revolution

Required Materials for this Class
  1. One composition notebook (pages are sewn in).  This book will be used for all journals, notes, and other writing assignments and will be graded at least once a month.   This notebook will be worth 100 points per week—50 for notes and 50 for journal/other. 
  2. Writing utensil/planner.  No-brainer on these.
  3. Loose leaf paper
  4. Colored pencils for maps/projects

Students must receive a score of 70% to pass the class.
Points are assessed as follows:
ü  Notes and Journal--- 100 points per month
ü  Quizzes—anywhere from ten to 50 points, depending on content
ü  Tests—60-150 points (about every three weeks)
ü  Book Homework—anywhere from 4 to 20 points
ü  Other work as assigned (group work, projects, papers, maps, etc)—varies but usually under 50 points.
ü  Trimester Final Exam—100 points
ü  Trimester Final Project—50 to 200 points
ü  Book Project due by end of third trimester


My expectations are fair and few
  • Be on time.  Tardies will be assessed
  • Be prepared.  Bring notebook, writing utensil daily. 
  • Golden Rule.  Treat your fellow classmates and teacher the way you would like to be treated.  Participate in discussions in a way that adds to the discourse.
  • This is an Honors-level class.  Maturity is expected.  Grades of A or B are also expected.  Students who do C or below work will be expected to sign a contract stating how they will raise their grade in a specific time period.  This will be signed by a parent/guardian, the student, the teacher and an administrator.  Improper behavior will also result in a Behavior Contract being written and agreed to by the student, parent/guardian, teacher and an administrator. 
Our common goal is your success.  I will do my part to prepare you to succeed by being prepared every day myself.  Note taking will help you learn the material and also give you a study tool.  Class discussion and other in-class activities will help make the material relevant.  Before tests, a review sheet containing all information on test will be given to students.  Review Jeopardy will be played the day before a test to firmly set the material in your brain.  Students are allowed to retake quizzes and tests UP TO ONE WEEK after their first attempt.  The grades of the original and re-test will be averaged.  Students may make up work up to ONE WEEK after it is due for half credit.  Then all work becomes a zero.    You can also check your grade any time from home on Powerschool. 

·         Staple this syllabus into your notebook. It is worth ten points.  If it is loose in the notebook, it will be a zero. 

·         Keep this and the Reading List in your flap in notebook.  They are both part of your grade.


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