Friday, October 26, 2012

Big Greece Test Wednesday, October 31: Review Sheet Posted Here

Greece Review Sheet
World History 9
Morris 2012

Test Facts:  Test is three pages.  There are three matching sections.  One is People, one is Places, and one is  Everything Else.  There is a short answer/fill in the blank section after that. The next section requires you to identify whether a fact is about Athens, Sparta or both.  This is followed by a section in which you must put the 3 main Greek philosophers in order and give two things each one is famous for.  Questions about Alexander found on the original handout have been removed, because we are going to cover him in a smaller, separate unit.

1.       Mapping.  Be able to locate:  Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Macedonia and Crete.
2.       How did the geography of Greece effect its history?
3.       What were Greece’s three main agricultural products?
4.       Give two major contributions of the Minoans, and where the Minoans lived.
5.       Know who the Dorians were and why they are important.  What age in Greece began with their arrival?  Why?
6.       How did Greeks keep their religion and history alive during the Dark Ages?
7.       How was Homer and why is he important?
8.       Who fought in the Trojan War?  What was its cause?  Who won?
9.       What did the Greeks believe about their gods and goddesses?
10.   Was Athens a true democracy?  Why or why not?
11.   Why is Cleisthenese important in the history of Athens?
12.   What was the status of women and girls in Greece?  What could they do in Athens?  What could they do in Sparta?
13.   Why were the Greeks able to dominate in wars?  Inventions, battle techniques, iron, hoplites, phalanx, trireme, etc.
14.   Know what happened in each important battle in the Persian Wars and who won:   Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis and Platea.
15.   As a result of the Greek victory in the Persian Wars, which Greek city-state dominated Greece?  What was the Delian League?
16.   What was the Golden Age of Athens?  How was it funded?  Why was it so great?  How has it effected the way we live today?
17.   What is:  Parthenon, Agora, Acropolis?
18.   Who was Pericles?  What were his three goals for Athens?
19.   What are the main characteristics of Greek art?
20.   Why did other Greek city-states rebel against Athens?
21.   What caused the Peloponnesian War?  Could the war have been avoided?  How?
22.   What was Sparta’s alliance called?  How was Sparta finally able to defeat Athens and its allies?
23.   Who was Socrates and why is he important?  How did he teach?  Why was he killed?
24.   Who was Plato?  Why is he important?  Put the three philosophers in order on the test.
25.   Who was Aristotle and why is he important?
26.   In Greek theater, what were the two main types of plays?  What were the two main types of comedies?  What  is a tragic flaw?
27.   Explain Plato’s Allegory of the Cave?  What is Plato trying to tell us about reality?
28.   Know the three types of Greek columns:  Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

Answers are found below:
Review Sheet
Hard Copy
World History

1.       Map:   Use the map in your notebook to identify the following:  Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Athens, Sparta, Peloponnesus, Macedonia, Crete

2.        Greece was mountainous so the city-states developed differently.  Also, it is surrounded by water so Greeks became sea-goers and traders.
3.       Wheat, olives, grapes
4.       Minoans lived on Crete and contributed religion, shipping skills, myths, art, and architecture
5.       Dorians were a less-advanced culture who conquered Greece and made it enter a Dark Age of little learning or progress.
6.       Greek stories were kept alive during the Dark Ages by wandering storytellers called Bards.  A myth is a story that explains why things are the way they are or that teaches a moral lesson.  An epic is a long story-poem with a hero who must overcome many obstacles.
7.       Homer was a poet who wrote down the Iliad and the Odyssey.
8.       The Greeks and the Trojans fought in the Trojan War.  The Greeks won by using the Trojan horse.  The war was fought over trade.
9.       The Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses were immortal and that they lived on Mt. Olympus in northern Greece.  They believed that the gods were imperfect and fought each other, as well as played havoc with humans.
10.   No, Athens was not a true democracy, because only male citizens could vote.
11.   Cleisthenes introduced democracy to Athens.
12.   Women and girls in Greece were second-class citizens.  In Athens, they had to stay home and care for the house.  In Sparta, they had more rights but they were still less respected than men.
13.   The Greeks had the phalanx, well-trained infantrymen called hoplites, iron weapons, and battering ram warships called triremes.
14.   Marathon—Athens defeats Persia using phalanx, man runs to Athens
Thermopylae—300 Spartans defend mountain pass against thousands of Persians, allowing Greek evacuate Athens to Salamis.
Salamis—naval battle, Athens uses triremes to trap and destroy Persian Navy
Platea—last battle of war, won by Greece
15.   Athens dominated.  The Delian League was formed by Athens to collect money for protection.
16.   The Golden Age of Athens was a fifty-year period of great learning, art, democracy and architecture that influenced western culture.  It was funded by money from the Delian League and from trade. 
17.   Parthenon—Temple to Athena in Athens
Acropolis---a fort on a hill
Agora—a market or meeting place
18.    Pericles led Athens during the Golden Age.  His three goals were:  Beautify Athens, Democracy, and Strengthen Athens
19.   Classical Greek art shows balance, proportion and the ideal human
20.   Greek city-states rebelled against Athens because of jealousy, trade, and they felt Athens was becoming too powerful.
21.   The Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta were caused by jealousy, competition for trade ,and distrust.  They could have been avoided.
22.   Sparta’s alliance was called the Peloponnesian League.  Sparta was able to defeat Athens after the Plague, after building a navy, and after asking for Persian help.
23.   Socrates was a famous teacher who taught using questions.  He was put to death for corrupting the youth of Athens and for disrespecting the gods.
24.   Plato was a student of Socrates.  He was famous for writing the Republic, about an idea society ruled by philosopher-kings.
25.   Aristotle was the student of Plato.  He was famous for inventing logic, the Scientific Method, and for tutoring Alexander the Great.
26.   The two types of Greek theater are tragedy and comedy.  The two types of comedy are slapstick, which uses crude humor and violence, and satire, which makes fun of something or someone.  In tragedy, a character comes to a sad end because of a tragic flaw.

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